The Session team
New features

Unsplash and more

AUTHOR: The Session team

This release may be relatively small. But it is mighty.

Please enjoy the latest updates from Session.

Reminder: Session is still in private beta. Please do not share any information about Session outside of Hopin.

Unsplash backgrounds

You can now choose from over 3.5 million high-resolution photos to make your Session background wallpaper.

Session just released a new native product integration with Unsplash that powers the ability for users to search the largest repository of free high-resolution photos on the internet and make any photo their custom Session wallpaper.

Give it a try:

  • As a host, select "Customize room" from the three-dot menu at the bottom of the screen.

  • Select "Background"

  • Select "Search"

  • Write keywords into the search bar

  • Pick any photo to make it your wallpaper

Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 3.21.37 PM.png

New lobby controls

Toggle between customizing your lobby and room at the top of your screen. Use the lefthand menu to add and customize elements of your room, including adding the lobby editor and customizing backgrounds, colors, and logos.

Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 4.12.33 PM.png

Auto-mute when there are more than 6 participants

Huzzah! No more awkward accidental moments in large calls.

Now, whenever you enter a Session with more than six participants, you will automatically be on mute. You'll also see a message notifying you of this here:

Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 4.36.12 PM.png

That's all for now, folks!

Before you go, thank you for sharing your feedback in the #jm-session-feedback channel in Slack. All of it is being read, tracked, and prioritized by the Session team. Keep it coming!

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